How Does Your Community Look?
How Does Your Community Look? How many places sell alcohol (beer, wine, liquor, wine coolers, etc) in my community? ____ How many...

Malcolm X
Malcolm X (19 May 1925-21 Feb. 1965), African-American religious and political leader also known as el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, was born...
DVD/MOVIES Suggestions
Music Soundtrack from Malcolm X Movie Books The Autobiography of Malcolm X Malcolm X , Alex Haley, Attallah Shabazz A Life of Reinvention...
May other Notable African American Achievers
May 1, 1867 - First four students enter Howard University. May 4, 1961 - "Freedom Riders" begin protesting segregation of interstate bus...

Malcolm X: Speeches and Interviews (1960-65)
#freebecauseioughttobe #media0514 #malcolmx
After his journey to Mecca, what were some of the experiences that Impacted Malcolm’s changes in tho
#criticaldiscussiontopics0514 #malcolmx
Malcolm X was an ex-drug dealer, ex-thief and ex-offender what lesson(s) can be learned from his cha
#criticaldiscussiontopics0514 #malcolmx
Were there commonalities in the reasons for the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr, Malcolm
#criticaldiscussiontopics0514 #malcolmx
Malcolm X is more often described as a Revolutionary than a Civil Rights Advocate is there a differe
#criticaldiscussiontopics0514 #malcolmx
Harriet Tubman - Mini Bio
#freebecauseioughttobe #media0314 #harriettubman